iPhone Grayscale Mode - Productivity Hack?

Go Grayscale and Get Focused?

I think we live in a world where we want fewer distractions and more focus — for several good reasons. Go grayscale with an iPhone or black out a second monitor.

iPhone Grayscale Productivity

Color has long been known to be a stimulant. In fact, the color yellow in particular has been shown to entice children (Legos, for example). I think we live in a world where we want fewer distractions and more focus — for several good reasons.

  1. Our time on this earth is limited, we need to make the most of it.
  2. We can be more productive if we are forced to focus. Recently, I have totally blacked out the second monitor on my desktop computer so I am forced to focus on one task, but realize that the other monitor is there if I need it. So many apps now have “focus” mode or “Zen” mode or “fullscreen” mode. Take advantage of it. If you’re not too distracted you might thank me… #GrayPhone

Activate Grayscale Mode on iOS

To activate grayscale mode on iOS, go to SETTINGS > ACCESSIBILITY > DISPLAY & TEXT SIZE > COLOR FILTERS > Enable.



New York Times Articles on Grayscale